Strategic Location
Akses mudah ke Jalan Raya & Tol. Dikelilingi lingkungan lingkungan apartemen, perkantoran, dan pusat belanja.
Green Living Environment
Dilengkapi dengan fasilitas seperti Kolam Renang yang luas, Fitness Center yang lengkap, Jogging Track, dan Lapangan Basket.
Utmost Security
Terjamin aman dan tentram karena sudah dilengkapi dengan satpam keamaan 24 jam.

Sutera Danau Biru is a residential area beautifully placed within the modern and rapidly developing city of Alam Sutera. By combining natural beauty and urban comfort, this area is a dream choice for those who want a residence that simultaneously offers tranquility and freedom. Located on the edge of a quiet lake, this residence gives residents the opportunity to enjoy stunning natural panoramas every day.Sutera Danau Biru offers the perfect balance between urban lifestyle and green nature. Each home is designed with modern aesthetics and functionality in mind, giving residents the opportunity to live in style. Apart from that, there are excellent facilities such as a beautiful garden, a jogging track around the lake, and direct access to the lake which makes every moment here worthwhile.

Danau Biru
- Mall: 7 min
- Flavor Bliss: 8 min
- University: 10 min
- Hospital: 10 min
- Gas Station: 6 min
- School: 4 min
- Culinary: 6 min
- Direct Toll: 12 min
- Train Station: 25 min
- Airport: 30 min